All Bloggers Are Bores


Jeez. Where do you find the time? What makes a blogger? I’ve been through so many experiences in the last week that the last thing I’ve had time to do is to sit down in front of a computer and bang out some self indulgent thoughts and opinions that no fucker is going to read. How do the popular blogs keep up the traffic is what I’d like to know. I mean, in order to have a captivated audience hanging on your every bedsit penned meandering requires real dedication and a commitment to ‘make time’ to update your loyal readership.

Since I’ve been gone, as Rainbow might of said, I’ve moved countries and found a new home and job but you won’t hear me banging on about it oh no. I’ve better things to do which makes me question this whole blogging thing. But hey! It’s an on-line diary right kids? Well yes but it’s also a pain the jacksy to type all this guff, find a freakin photo and then think of some pithy point/joke/statement to make in order to keep your blog on point. Sounds like a full time job to me and you get the feeling that the vast majority of these blogging bores are in IT jobs through no freak of nature. I mean, check out the hosts of this blog – No.1 Post? Some boring tosh about Linux and the new Vista OSsszzzz. Captivating. So anyway I’ll try to find time to fit this thing into my day but I cannot make any promises and I’m sorry if this come as a blow to my thousands of readers but that’s life as Esther Rantzen may of said.

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