7′s Sunday

Is there a more desperate sight than a middle aged Australian sales manager and his dreadful family in ‘comedy’ wigs and sunglasses? No is the answer so why then are the Rugby Sevens (apparently) such A HOOT and the MUST DO event in Hong Kong’s social calendar? Why do people spend entire days queuing for tickets? Why are tickets changing hands at huge prices and why does Hong Kong go rugby mad for the weekend? What am I missing? This is Asia right? I came to escape these rugby bores not be mates with them. 40,000 of them squeezed in Happy Valley and then spilling onto our streets in their ‘wacky’ and ‘light-hearted’ manner. I hate rugby, I hate forced jocularity, I hate being surrounded by drunk and overweight honkies and I hate subliminal colonial undertones to the whole debacle. It’s hell on earth and thank god it’s over for another year. Bring back Hong Kong.

4 Responses to “7′s Sunday”

  1. pierrebourdieu says:

    I am outraged that the two streakers at this year’s 7s were not charged with indecent exposure in public nor beaten with a stick. Whereas posting an art photograph showing perfectly healthy breasts on your website is ‘dissemination of indecent material’ and could put you behind bars.

  2. Jingjok says:

    one country two systems personified. Mind you I have seen huge breasts on full display in public with the Police not batting an eyelid. Just because said boobs were attached to an obesse bare chested Aussie man in LKF is neither here nor there surely…

  3. pierrebourdieu says:

    Oh pardon me! I was wrong. One of them was charged, judge said this was a “very serious offence” and fined him $1,000. Streaker said in court he was “very sorry”.

  4. Jingjok says:

    Depending if said streaker was male/female attractive/unattractive that is good/bad value for money. I almost wish I had gone. Almost.