
Ronnie is trying to nail my azz. The die has been cast. The wheels are in motion. So my hapless co-worker has disappeared by the Cantonese mafia are thick as thieves. They roll deep. They dont like me. Why? I upset one (who was crap at their job) and the whole collective turn against me? This is madness. This is siege mentality. Maybe I am paranoid I don’t know but there is a definite chill in the air. It’s cool as I am all for business like and my work is good so they will come round but it’s unnecessary in this day and age. There is a whiff of anti-colonialism in this whole episode and I feel sad that we have to bring nationhood into this debacle. This is the area I don’t like about Hong Kong – this team thing. This 20 people going to lunch/going to the toilet/walking along the street thing. This collective thing. The anti-individual thing. I offend one person and all react. Small minded but my company is international so I am not alone like I used to be in the good old days. The irony is that all of those ignoring me are in the lower end of the company whilst the real power is staffed by non-locals so I am not really affected. Is this staffing structure intentional or based on ability? I have no idea but it speaks volumes. Maybe though I am just a twat so they could be right.

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