
Woke up and went to work as usual even though it was a weekend and even though I didnt have to. Picked up a parcel from the post office that I had been waiting weeks for and was relieved to find there were two packages waiting for me. One was my DS cover from the US and the other was Advance Wars 1 & 2 from Ebay and it felt like Christmas. The DS cover is OK but not all I hoped for but AW was bang on the money. Old school but that’s how I’m living. Walked from work through the busy IFC and had lunch/diner alone. That’s also how I’m living. Still as cold but will go out tonight for some company. Feel better as I am close to flying back to seeing my wife this week plus I’ve been paid. I know I will feel dreadful and hungover tomorrow but what else can I do?

3 Responses to “Saturday”

  1. pierre says:

    where is your wife?

  2. Jingjok says:

    overseas with our son. not good.

  3. pierrebourdieu says:
